By Guy Campos in Broadcast and media, Displays, US&Canada May 19, 2022 0
The 2,200sqm stage, operated by VFX company Pixomondo and film rental firm WFW in Vancouver, Canada, has been named by Guinness World Records. Led Outdoor Display Screen

Guinness World Records has named a 2,200sqm, 310° virtual production stage in Vancouver, Canada as ‘the world’s largest LED stage’.
The stage, operated by visual effects company Pixomondo and film rental specialist William F White International (WFW), has an LED screen that is 24.3m x 8.3m, with 2,500 LED wall panels and 760 LED ceiling panels, giving a total coverage of 720 sqm.
A Guinness Worlds Records entry said: “LED volumes such as the one at Pixomondo are used to film virtual productions using real-time-rendered imagery, resulting in scenes that can be recorded in-camera. Dynamic photo-real imagery combines with physical props to create visual effects without the need for green screens. This real-time technology allows actors to see and interact with their environment, even when the camera moves position, and also to be lit correctly for their location.”
Craig Glenday, editor-in-chief of Guinness World Records, added: “As fans of this latest generation of effects-led movies and TV shows, it’s exciting to be able to recognize a space as magical as the Pixomondo and William F. White International stage. It’s almost literally a dream factory where anything can be conjured up, from flying dragons to dramatic moonscapes.”
Among the productions filmed at the Pixomondo and William F White International stage is the upcoming live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender (Nickelodeon/Netflix, 2022).
Pixomondo and WFW have reportedly together spent US$30 million on an initial three LED video wall stage facilities in Canada , including two locations in Toronto. Additional facilities are expected in Canada in 2022.
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