Your safety is our top priority on campus and we want to ensure security for our people and property. To that end, this week we launched a pilot initiative requiring all students, faculty, and staff to display their campus ID badges when entering the CU Denver Building (located at 14th and Lawrence streets). The requirement begins with the start of the fall semester on Monday, Aug. 23. The impetus for this pilot project has been a recent uptick in theft and unauthorized individuals entering campus buildings. This new initiative, which may be later extended to other buildings, will help security guards and other community members identify who is authorized to be on our campus.
There is no mandate about how you display your badge – we just ask that it be visible. You can wear it around your neck using a lanyard and ID holder—you can get a CU Denver lanyard from programs in the CU Denver Building—or clipped to your clothes with a retractable badge holder. Lanyard

Please do not punch holes through the badge itself, as it will damage your badge and could impede your access to campus resources. For more information about this safety initiative and to keep updated with the larger project, refer to the project web page, accessed on the Facilities Management website or by scanning the QR code on the signage posted throughout the CU Denver Building. The website includes information about the pilot, steps to getting a badge, and more.
Thank you for your support of this important step toward strengthening safety and security on the CU Denver campus.
Todd Haggerty Vice Chancellor of Finance and Business Operations and CFO
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Key Card Lanyard Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. All trademarks are registered property of the University. Used by permission only.