Do you change your oil at home? Are you a DIY car enthusiast? If so, then you won’t want to miss the Oil Filter Exchange Event happening in Pasadena Saturday, April 15.
The City of Pasadena Department of Public Works is hosting this event to promote their program for recycling used motor oil and oil filters. So, bring your used oil and oil filters to AutoZone at 550 N. Lake Ave. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Inline Hydraulic Filter

Bring your used oil filter and receive a new one, for free. You will also be able to receive a free oil recycling kit.
You’ll actually be able to exchange up to two used oil filters per household with a maximum cost of $15 each, not including sales tax. Drop off oil & oil filters to be recycled only during business hours.
This program is funded by Cal Recycle and is part of Pasadena’s Zero Waste Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the Pasadena City Council on Oct. 20, 214. The plan aims to achieve Zero Waste to area landfills by 2040 by implementing a series of initiatives and programs designed collaboratively with community stakeholders. To achieve this goal, the City of Pasadena Department of Public Works has certified collection centers for used motor oil and oil filters.
This Oil Filter Exchange Event is just one of the initiatives designed to move the community toward Zero Waste. The program is sponsored by the City of Pasadena Department of Public Works and aims to help the community achieve at least an 87-percent waste diversion rate by 2040. So, don’t miss this opportunity to participate in this environmentally friendly event.
For more information about this event or the Zero Waste Strategic Plan, call (626) 744-7311.
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