
Turning Heads! Easy driver-figure animation - RC Car Action

Kyosho’s Rage VE features a molded-in driver figure with a separate helmet that’s ripe for head-turning action. All it takes is a spare servo and a little mechanical creativity.

In the case of the Rage, the headrest proved to be perfectly sized for a micro servo, and a collection of hardware and linkages from the spare parts bin took care of the rest. For this installation, the linkage is on the right side of the head pivot and the left side of the servo’s output shaft so the driver “looks” in the proper direction relative to the front wheels. Note the shock piston used as a spacer–whatever works! Mg996r Servo

Turning Heads! Easy driver-figure animation - RC Car Action

A Y-harness allows the “head servo” and steering servo to be plugged into the same channel. If you have a receiver with dual channel-1 inputs, you can skip the Y-harness. When the steering wheel is turned, the driver turns his head too.

Here’s a quick video that shows the finished project:

And you old timers may recall this guy…

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Turning Heads! Easy driver-figure animation - RC Car Action

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