
Death Cab For Cutie unites with Bellingham coffee shop for custom roast | 790 KGMI

BELLINGHAM, Wash.- The Grammy-award winning band formed at WWU is going back to their roots for a caffeinated collaboration.

Death Cab for Cutie announced Wednesday, August 31 that they’ve partnered with Bellingham’s Camber Coffee to create their own roast. Custom Screen Printed Tote Bags

Death Cab For Cutie unites with Bellingham coffee shop for custom roast | 790 KGMI

The coffee was cultivated in honor of the band’s new album, “Asphalt Meadows.”

According to their website, the Ethiopia Nigusse Nare coffee has tasting notes of black cherry, rose, and lime flavors.

12 oz. bags are available for $25, or you can add two coffee mugs to your order for an extra $15 through their online store.

Death Cab For Cutie unites with Bellingham coffee shop for custom roast | 790 KGMI

Kraft Paper Bag White More information and a link to purchase the coffee can be found here. Twitter Facebook