
BILLINGS — Temperatures will vary a bit, but stay average to warmer than average all week. Rain is mainly limited to close to the mountains until closer to the weekend.

The moisture that fed the weekend rains will exit the region this week leading to a more typical hot and dry summer pattern. Highs will be mainly in the 90s and the relative humidity will drop into the teens to low 20s for Tuesday and Wednesday. Rain Gauge For Soil Moisture

Q2 Billings Area Weather:  Watch the thermometer more than the rain gauge

Expect isolated afternoon and evening thunderstorms near the mountains. These will produce more wind than rain.

Q2 Billings Area Weather:  Watch the thermometer more than the rain gauge

Soil Temperature Sensor Other than near the storms, the winds will be generally light. Temperatures back off to 85-90 for much of the area Thursday, Friday and Saturday.